5 signs you may be going through a Quarter Life Crisis
July 09, 2017
Most people have heard the term “mid-life crisis” but quarter life crisis is actually a thing, and it affects way more people than you may think. According to The Guardian, 86% of people in their mid 20’s to early 30’s experience a period of anxiety, insecurities, disappointment and soul searching. So if you’re in the midst of one right now, you’re not alone.
Here are 5 signs you could be having a Quarter Life Crisis:
You’re panicking that you haven’t done what you wanted to do by this age. Remember when you were at high school and by 28 you planned to be CEO of a company, own your own home and be married with 2 kids? Hmmm…
You’re starting to question the meaning of life. Is it really just to work and pay bills until you’re old enough to retire? There seems to be a disconnect between what you’re doing and what you really want to do with your life and the expectations you had growing up don’t seem to be fitting with your reality.
All of a sudden you can do anything but you have no idea what you should be doing. You can’t decide whether you should be travelling and seeing the world, or climbing the career ladder and saving for a house. And you keep seeing what your friends are doing on social media which just adds to the pressure.
Despite having more options than ever, you feel completely trapped where you are.
You’ve spent three years and $30,000 on a student loan to get your degree and you work in a job you don’t really like that much.
If this sounds like you, don’t be alarmed. A quarter life crisis is a completely normal, transitional phase of early adulthood which you will come out of. Unfortunately the pressure has become even more intense on this generation due to enhanced competition for jobs, the struggle to save for a house deposit, and social media causing you to compare your life with everyone else’s.
The solution? You could just cut down on smashed avocado on toast brunches and save to buy a house like the ‘helpful’ politicians seem to tell us. Or you could see this as an opportunity to really reflect on what you do want from your future. Explore the possibilities and think about what is right for you. Life isn’t about money, houses, or competing with anyone else. The truth is that everyone else is just as confused, frustrated and self-doubting as you are so don’t be so hard on yourself. Think of this as the perfect opportunity now to create the life that you want. Maybe it’s time to start volunteering, or taking up a new hobby. Or maybe you do need to think about a career change and plan of attack to get there. Spend some time talking to a friend, mentor or career coach* and work through your options. Just remember, you are not alone and it will get better.
*Hello Future offers a ‘Quarter life crisis remedy’ package - see www.hellofuture.co.nz/services for more details.